Welcome back! I finally finished the code for Flying Car and the SD cards are ready to ship.

Yesterday, I made a short announcement video. You can watch it on YouTube or read the transcript below. You can also watch a recording of the Humble Scribe, the typewriting app that ships on the SD card, here. That video even has its own background theme that I quickly threw together in GarageBand.

To order the SD card and learn about shipping details you can read the blog post.

logo Welcome to Flying Car.

Your journey to the universe of tomorrow begins today.

What you see before you now was created by people who believe that tomorrow can and will be better than today.

Our pledge to you is to safeguard your attention span at all times. You may find that this is particularly useful not only while reading and writing but also for imagining and inventing new things.

Here, there are no alerts, notifications, or distractions of any kind. Just your thoughts.

Our force field acts as a barrier between the turmoil of the outside world and your inner universe. Your thoughts will never leave this sanctuary and nothing can come in from without to distort them. The only thing that matters is what you have written.

This is where we begin. With a promise of serenity.

Prepare for takeoff.

— Your fellow voyagers